# SillyTavern 是什么?

SillyTavern 是一个本地部署的交互界面,允许你通过文本生成AI(LLM 大语言模型)进行交互,和自定义的角色进行角色扮演。SillyTavern 由 Cohee,RossAscends 和 SillyTavern 社区为您呈现。

SillyTavern 于2023年2月基于 TavernAI 1.2.8 版本修改而来,此后引入了很多原版 TavernAI 中不存在的先进功能。

# 截图

Chat Waifu mode
VN Mode Backgrounds

# 分支

SillyTavern 采用双分支系统来确保给所有用户带来一个丝滑的体验,

  • 发行版 -🌟 适用于大部分用户。 这是我们最稳定也是最推荐的版本, 只有当重大更新发布时才更新。 它适用于大部分用户。
  • staging - ⚠️ Not recommended for casual use. This branch has the latest features, but be cautious as it may break at any time. Only for power users and enthusiasts.

Learn more here.

# Features

  • Mobile-friendly interface
  • Multiple backend API connectivity (KoboldAI, KoboldCPP, AI Horde, NovelAI, Oobabooga's TextGen WebUI, OpenAI+proxies, WindowAI, OpenRouter)
  • Visual Novel-like Waifu Mode
  • Horde Stable Diffusion generation
  • TTS support (ElevenLabs, Silero, and built-in OS)
  • WorldInfo (lorebooks)
  • Author's Note / Character Bias
  • Customizable colors, backgrounds, avatar styles, and UI panel placement
  • Notification sound for AI responses
  • Export chats as .txt files
  • Auto-translate single messages or the entire chat via Google API, even automatically.
  • Extensive prompt formatting options
  • Character HotSwap buttons to quickly change between your favorite characters
  • Prompt token breakdown view for each message
  • Swipes
  • Group chats: multi-bot rooms for characters to talk to you or each other
  • Chat bookmarks / branching
  • webp character card interoperability (PNG is still the internal format)

# Extensions

SillyTavern supports extensions/plugins:

  • Character emotional expressions
  • Auto-Summary of the chat history
  • Sending images to chat, and the AI interpreting the content.
  • Stable Diffusion image generation (5 chat-related presets plus 'free mode')
  • Text-to-speech for AI response messages (via ElevenLabs, Silero, or the OS's System TTS)

Additional functionality can be added by using SillyTavern Extras.

# 安装要求

  • SillyTavern 可以在任何支持 NodeJS v18 运行环境的设备上运行。
  • 注意: 由于以上要求,SillyTavern 不能在 Windows 7 系统上运行。

# 除了 SillyTavern 本体,我还需要准备什么?

SillyTavern 只是一个前端,所以你需要获取上面列出的其中一个后端API。

# How can I get in touch with the developers directly?

  • Discord: Cohee#1207 or RossAscends#1779
  • Reddit: /u/RossAscends or /u/sillylossy
  • Post a GitHub issue

# I like your project! How do I contribute?

  • We welcome pull requests!
  • We also welcome helpful and informed bug reports that use the templates provided in our GitHub.
  • We do not accept monetary donations for the project itself.
  • Cohee does not take donations.
  • RossAscends has a personal Patreon & Kofi

# 译者注
